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Honoring of the Divine romance and the eternal cycles...

Updated: Jul 2, 2019

So much of life consists of cycles: there is the 30-day lunar and menstrual cycles, the seasons every year, all of our organs have a circadian rhythm where the organ’s functioning peaks at a specific time in a 24-hour period, in addition to circadian hormone cycles, and even day and night can be seen as a cycle, which can also be a metaphor for the life-death-life cycles of death and rebirth.

If so much of life is circular in nature, why are we moving through life in a predominantly linear fashion...? We have seen many imbalances arise in our world, as a result of society's overly linear/masculine approach in daily living.

To illustrate the intricate manner in which cycles form and important part of our psycho-spiritual-physiological well being, continue reading...

There are four main hormones that govern the menstrual cycle: estrogen, progesterone, FSH and LH. The levels of these four hormones, in relation to each other, differ four times during the cycle, creating the four distinct phases… which happen to mirror the metaphysical influence which the four phases of the lunar cycle have over us. In addition to the four phases of the lunar cycle, there are also the two broad lunar phases: the waxing and the waning phase, as well as the 15 (x2) lunar days (tithis). All of these different phases come about due to the Divine romance and dance of the Sun and Moon, the celestial representatives of Divine Masculine and Feminine principles, Shiva and Shakti. Their unique relationship, keeps manifesting through different moments in time, in countless forms.

On a macro-cosmic level, every relationship, (when there is a “you” and “I”, or an observer and the observed), in every moment, along with its unique quality and mood, is a mere reflection of this eternal relating between the individual (Shakti) and the beloved Supreme (Shiva): the feminine Soul is yearning to re-unite or merge back with the masculine Supreme Consciousness/Source.

On a micro-cosmic level, the light of the soul, which stays unchangeable regardless of the different life circumstances and moods of the mind, is represented by the Sun (Shiva), which is reflected by the Moon (Shakti), our mind, which, in turn, is susceptible to the present moment. When the Goddess (Moon) moves away from Shiva (Sun), to rediscover Herself, to understand Her purpose and to reflect Shiva’s light into the outer world in its full glory, the Moon is waxing (Shukla paksha). She looks towards the outside (material world), where she wishes to interact, to play, to manifest, to communicate. Similarly, in the waxing moon phase there is a subtle underlying impulse to move away from our Divine origin to rediscover our uniqueness and realise our individual purposes - in every relationship some distance is needed for the self-discovery process to happen. Sooner or later, however, She starts to long and cry for Her Beloved Shiva, and abandons all the brightness of the external world, urging us to feel more introverted, devoted to spiritual practices and humble, as the moon moves closer toward the sun during the waning moon phase (Krishna paksha), until she merges with her beloved consort on the New moon.

In their meditation, Vedic rishis have perceived Fifteen forms of this universal relationship between Shiva and Shakti, as Shakti forms fifteen different dance positions with Shiva, which correlate with the 15 (x2) phases (tithis) of the Moon. These tithis are represented by fifteen Nitya Devis, each with their associated attributes, qualities, mantras and yantras. Some of these goddesses are, for example, more playful, and others stricter, where on some lunar days She will bring us happiness, and on other days, sadness, all of which are serving as catalysts for our (co)evolution.

Come learn more about this sacred dance expressed both inside and outside of yourself by booking a session.

Blessed be on the Divine solar eclipse and New Moon!

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